
  • 2014년 11월 KSP 데모데이

    KOISRA Seed Partners는 개인 엔젤 투자자와 VC 대표들을 초청하여 미니 데모데이를 열었습니다. 3팀의 KSP 포트폴리오 회사들이 발표를 하였고, 뜨거운 열기로 질의응답이 오가면서 네트워크 시간을 가졌습니다.

  • 2015년 3월 KSP 데모데이

    KOISRA Seed Partners는 투자 성격 및 규모가 다른 Micro VC, PE, 앤젤 투자자, VC 분들을 초청하여 미니 데모데이를 열었습니다. 3팀의 KSP포트폴리오 회사들의 멋진 발표를 하였고 맥주를 마시며 자유로운 분위기 속에서 실질적인 질의응답이 오가는 끈끈한 네트워크 시간을 가졌습니다

  • KSP's Demo Day March 2015

    Today KSP held another closed Demoday for our portfolio startups. Various investors attended (Angel investor, Accelerator, Micro VC, VC, PE). The startups proudly presented their products and services, not before everyone had cup of beer!

  • KSP's Demo Day November 2014

    KSP hosted today a closed demo day for our portfolio startups, attended by private angel investors and representatives from local venture capital firms. Each of the Startups' CEO presented at the event, and the dynamic Q&A was followed by a productive networking session.

  • MyDrives


    MYDRIVES Inc. uses the power of indexing to free people from the constraints of using multiple devices and cloud services. We create a single integration layer that organizes and lets users access their data easily. The power of our engine can be seen in our iOS app Leit which was built to manage photos. Every day over 1.8 billion photos are taken and uploaded to a multitude of services. With Leit, users can see all of their scattered photos organized in a single timeline. It can connect the user’s photos from Dropbox, Facebook, Instagram, Flickr, Picasa, iPhone, iPad, Mac, and more. Along with photos, we import the metadata which can be applied to Big Data analysis. Other features include smart photo search, Today’s Photo from the past, Travel Map creator, and bi-directional sharing of albums.


    We are a small multinational team based out of Seoul, South Korea. It is our goal to receive funding to develop new features and bring Leit to other platforms. Bringing in Android and Windows developers, designers, and providing marketing support will be pivotal in growing our startup. Investors, media, and other interested parties can contact us atThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  • MyDrives


    마이드라이브스(MyDrives)는 각종 저장장치, 클라우드, 소셜 네트워크에 우리가 저장한 사진들을 쉽게 정리하고 보도록 하는 레이트(Leit)를 개발하고 있습니다. 레이트는 iOS 앱으로 (안드로이드 버전 곧 출시 예정), (맥, 페이스북, 플리커, 드랍박스, 인스타그램 등) 자주 이용하는 장치와 서비스에서 메타데이터를 자동으로 정리하여, 깔끔하고 보기 쉽게 타임라인과 장소에 따라 정리해 줍니다.