KSP hosts Demo Day, Attended by VC firms, PE and angel investors

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Yesterday, Koisra Seed Partners held a demoday where various investors attended (Angel investor, Accelerator, Micro VC, VC, PE and etc.) in and three of KSP's portfolio companies proudly presented their products and services at the event. We are always gratified to support our startups to potential investors!
어제 KOISRA Seed Partners는 투자 성격 및 규모가 다른 Micro VC, PE, 앤젤 투자자, VC 분들을 초청하여 미니 데모데이를 열었습니다. 3팀의 KSP 포트폴리오 회사들의 멋진 발표를 하였고 실질적인 질의응답이 오가면서 네트워크 시간을 가졌습니다!