Press Release

KSP Helped Portfolio Companies to Get Raised $5.5 Million

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The key to success in KSP’s accelerating which lead successful follow-on investment ($5.5M) is helping startups to concentrate on developing their PRODUCTS!  


후속투자유치 55억을 이끌어낸 KSP의 액셀러레이팅 비결은 팀들이 무엇보다 제품 개발에 집중할 수 있도록 도와준 것이 아닐까요

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2015 KSP 실리콘 와디 데모데이

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2015 KSP 실리콘 와디 데모데이가 열립니다.
2015년 11월 26일(목, 14:00~18:00) 구글 캠퍼스 서울(삼성역 3번 출구)에서 KSP 포트폴리오 7개의 팀들의 피칭 세션 및 KPS 이스라엘 멘토들이 패널 토론 및 네트워킹이 진행됩니다.

KSP & Startup East RoadShow

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Koisra Seed Partners hosted Israelies startups to find Korea Partners. Also, Koisra Seed Partners held a Mashup Event where various investors attended in and four of KSP's portfolio, two of Startup East's Israeli companies proudly presented their products and services at the event. We are always gratified to support our startups to potential investors!

KSP hosts Demo Day, Attended by VC firms, PE and angel investors

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Yesterday, Koisra Seed Partners held a demoday where various investors attended (Angel investor, Accelerator, Micro VC, VC, PE and etc.) in and three of KSP's portfolio companies proudly presented their products and services at the event. We are always gratified to support our startups to potential investors!