ulalaLAB received the Premier’s Award with a smart factory platform at the National Productivity Award
Smart factory platform developer ulalaLAB (CEO Kang Hak-ju) announced that ulalaLAB was awarded Premier’s Award at the National Productivity Award selected as an excellent company for Creative Economy.
The 40th National Productivity Award is hosted by Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy and organized by Korea Productivity Center to reward organizations, companies and men of national merit who have contributed to national economy and improved the industrial competitiveness through business innovation. ulalaLAB proved its excellence at this award ceremony with WimFactory which is a low-cost, high-efficiency smart factory platform for small & medium sized manufacturers who are 80% of all manufacturers and with a self-developed IoT device WICON.
스마트팩토리 플랫폼 전문기업 울랄라랩이 ‘제40회 국가생산성대상’ 창조경제 우수기업 부문에서 국무총리 표창을 수상했다. 산업통상자원부가 주최하고 한국생산성본부가 주관한 이번 행사는 경영혁신을 통해 산업 경쟁력을 강화시키고 국가 경제발전에 기여한 기업과 단체, 유공자 등에게 포상하는 제도이다. 울랄라랩은 이번 국가생산성대상에서 자체 개발한 신개념의 IoT 디바이스 위콘(WICON)과 전체 제조업의 80% 이상을 차지하는 영세·중소 제조기업을 위한 저비용, 고효율의 스마트팩토리 ‘윔팩토리(Wimfactory)’로 그 우수성을 인정받았다.
기사전문 보기: [울랄라랩, ‘국가생산성대상’ 창조경제 우수기업 부문 국무총리 표창 수상] 2016.10.11
Article Link: [ulalaLAB received the Premier’s Award with a smart factory platform at the National Productivity Award]