News and Events

Visual Camp - Technology to Enter the Letters on a Computer with Only Eye Movements

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visual camp

On 2th Nov, Visual Camp showed it's technology that enables you to enter the letters on a computer with only eye movements at Creative Korea Expo.

지난 26일에 열린 2015 창조 경제 박람회에서 KSP의 포트폴리오 기업인 비주얼캠프가 내장된 카메라로 눈동자가 머무는 자판 위치를 인식해 글씨로 바꾸는 기술을 선보여 이목을 집중시켰습니다. 

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Does Entrepreneur Really Need To Concentrate on Contests?

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For startups, ‘Market first place’ is much more important than ‘Start-up contest first prize’.
If companies concentrate on the business itself, ‘Market first place’ and ‘Contest first prize’ would come along one by one.

스타트업에게는 창업대회1보다 시장1 중요합니다. 사업본질에 먼저 집중하다 보면 시장1등도, 창업대회1등도 따라오지 않을까요?  

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KSP Helped Portfolio Companies to Get Raised $5.5 Million

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The key to success in KSP’s accelerating which lead successful follow-on investment ($5.5M) is helping startups to concentrate on developing their PRODUCTS!  


후속투자유치 55억을 이끌어낸 KSP의 액셀러레이팅 비결은 팀들이 무엇보다 제품 개발에 집중할 수 있도록 도와준 것이 아닐까요

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Article - Smart Platform for Medical Drugs "DocsMT"

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One of our promising portfolio company 'DocsMT' has an effective platform which can provide the latest information on medical drugs to doctors and offer video conferencing between doctors.

㈜온헬스넷에서 개발한 플랫폼 DocsMT는 효율적인 의약품 마케팅 및 영업, 그리고 편리한 협업 기능까지 갖추어, 의사와 제약회사들 사이에서 입소문이 나고 있는 서비스 입니다.

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