How I got my first users

Daniel Huh 에 의해 작성됨 on .

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I mention frequently how important it is or a startup to get its first users; getting the first 5, 50, 500 and sometimes first 5,000 users are among the most important (often, the most difficult) tasks for a startup.

How to use your mentor

Daniel Huh 에 의해 작성됨 on .

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For many startups, looking for a mentor is like a dog chasing a car. They have no idea what to do with it once they finally catch one.

Getting a second chance

Daniel Huh 에 의해 작성됨 on .

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If you’ve been running a startup for a year or more you probably noticed a weird phenomenon: good things, that sometimes look like pure miracles, tend to happen almost randomly.

Your commitments

Daniel Huh 에 의해 작성됨 on .

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Your commitments

I’m sure you already know that running a successful startup requires commitment. And you may think that you are already very committed to the startup’s success. But you’re probably not as committed as you think. 

Top down marketing

Daniel Huh 에 의해 작성됨 on .


There’s a familiar joke among investors about a fictional startup pitch that goes something like this: