KSP Application

  • We are open to accept new applications for KSP R&D Matching Fund Program!
  • KSP supports early-stage entrepreneurs who wish to build the next amazing start-up
  • We specialize in industries such as Mobile, Medical, Cyber Security, IT, E-commerce and Telecom
  • Please fill out the form below and then click on the submit button.
  • The Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
Contact Information
First Name (*)

Invalid Input
Your Mobile phone number (*)

Invalid Input
Last Name (*)

Invalid Input
Your Email Address (*)

Please write Valid email address.
Company Information
  1. Company Name (If undecided yet, type “Unknown”)(*)
    Invalid Input
  2. In short, what does your company do? (up to 3 sentences)(*)
    Invalid Input
  3. Briefly, what is your business model?(*)
    Invalid Input
  4. What is the technological development stage of your company?(*)
    Invalid Input
  5. Company URL
    Invalid Input
  6. Please attach up to 2 pages of Executive summary (PDF format)(*)
    Invalid Input
Founders Information
  1. How many founders?(*)
    Invalid Input
  2. In short, who are the other founders and what their position and contribution to the company?(*)
    Invalid Input
General Information
  1. Did you get any financial support from any other entity? Do you plan to do that?(*)
    Invalid Input
  2. How did you hear about KSP?(*)
    Invalid Input
  3. Can we share your Contact Information (only) with other Startups, Entrepreneurs, Business partners and Investors who are looking for potential co-founders or business/technology partnership?(*)
    Invalid Input
  4. Would like to join our newsletter list and receive news and updates?
    Invalid Input